为了进一步提高学生的国际视野和跨文化交流的能力,现有美国普度大学Hengwei Cheng教授来我院开设全英文课程《Animal Welfare》。欢迎全校本科生前来修课。现将有关事项通知如下:
日期 | 上课时间 |
11月17日、18日、20日、21日、22日、24日、25日、26日、27日 | 18:30-20:55 |
11月19日 | 14:05-16:40 |
11月23日 | 8:00-9:35 |
5.报名方式:邮件报名,有兴趣参加的同学将报名表发电子邮件到 wqh@zju.edu.cn
学号 | 姓名 | 班级 | 联系电话 |
| | | |
Hengwei Cheng教授目前为美国农业部普度大学动物科学系研究员,主要从事动物福利、显微学和神经学的研究,已经在有关杂志发表学术论文60余篇。在美国密歇根州州立韦恩大学获得博士学位,南加州大学
Course: Animal Welfare, 2 credits
Instructor: Dr. Heng-wei Cheng, Dr. Huahua Du
Lecture schedule: November 17-29, 2014
Text Book: Articles
Course description:
This multi-disciplinary course addresses multiple areas of applied animal welfare science, focusing on the scientific basis of existing and proposed animal care and practices in the farm animal industry. Students will review basic concepts pertaining to animal behavior, welfare, and production. In class discussions, group and individual projects will facilitate student understanding of the scientific and socio-ethical bases of current regulation in animal welfare. Students will also develop and test various animal welfare metrics and identify outstanding real-world challenges relative to establishing policies and practices that aim to improve animal welfare, especially in China.
Course objectives:
· To gain general knowledge about animal welfare science and its effects on the farm animal industry
· To gain knowledge about the development of animal welfare in China based on its unique circumstance
· To gain knowledge how to define and assess animal welfare using knowledge of animal health, productivity, physiology and behavior
· To develop skills in critical thinking and problem solving in applied animal welfare science
· To develop an appreciation of the relationship of ethics to science
Course format:
l Lecture
l Topic discussion
l Field assessment
Examinations and Grading:
20%, attendance
30%, debate (Animal welfare vs. animal right) (on 11/24)
20%, Animal welfare judging (the 2nd week, one of each farm, poultry, swine, dairy cows)
30%, Presentation of “The development of animal welfare in China (any topic: poultry, swine, dairy cows,” (12 min, 3 min for questions/per student)
Class Participation and Attendance:
Students missing a class must have previous permission or a documented medical emergency.
Lunch and snacks permitted as long as they do not disturb others
• Academic reasons are allowed
• Non-academic reasons are not permitted.