
Xiao-Ting Zou


Zou Xiao-ting


Zhejiang University

College of  Animal  Science

Feed Institute

Hangzhou, 310029, P.R.China





M.S.  Northeast Agricultural University , 1990

B.S.  Zhjiang Agricultural University, 1987


Professional experience

1990-1993:   Assistant

1993-1998:   Lecturer

1998-2002:   Associate Professor

2002-       Professor


Division of Effort

Research-70, Teaching-30%


Current Research Interests

Nutrition regulation and biology feed additive

One projects is conducted to research on the effects of biological feed additive by the animal nutrition method and principle, illustrating their functional mechanism by methods of  biological chemistry , microbiology , cytobiology and molecular biology etc. Based on these research, many kind of biological feed additives are developed successfully.,such as: (1)dihydropyridine, which can resist the biomembrane  oxidation and improve animal's reproduction performance; (2) glutamine, which can improve intestine development of young animal and animal immunity, (3) ACC, which  is extracted from plants can improve animal  growth ,(4) micro-biotics, Hemicellulase and so on..

The two research project is on nutrition regulation , Focused on gene expression of the hormone and the key enzyme of fat metabolism by nutrition regulation, which can reduce the incidence of the laying poultry fatty liver and improve production performance markedly. Meanwhile, nutrition regulation can improve eggs quality by reducing the content of cholesterol in eggs and increasing the content of polyunsaturated  fatty acid .At present, studying the effect of nutrition regulation on the immune function of young animal is carried on.

Research  projects

1.       Effects of diludin on gene expression of hormone sensitive lipase in adipose tissue of hens.(National Natural Science Foundation of China) 2001.1-2003.12

2. Effects of diludin on regulation of very low density lipoprotein transport into oocyte in hens .(National Natural Science Foundation of China)2003.1-2005.12

3??Study on the effects of glutamine on the immunologic function of weaned piglets.  .(National

Natural Science Foundation of China) 2005.1-2007.12

4. Study on nutrition regulation and efficient production technology of high quality eggs for large scale hens farm.( Funds grands by Zhejiang Science and Technology Commission)  2001.1-2003.12

5?? Develop and industry of  biological feed additive  glutamine  ( Funds grands by Zhejiang Science and Technology Commission) 2003.1-2004.12

6??Study on high egg production of pigeon Funds grands by Zhejiang Science and Technology Commission ??   2004.1-2006.12

7.Study and industry of  biological feed additive  hemicell  ( Funds grands by Zhejiang Science and Technology Commission) 2005.1-2006.12

8. Develop and application of ACC extracted from plantsFunds grands by HangZhou Science and Technology Commission??  2002.10-2004.12

9??Research on technology of nosiheptide industry   Funds grands by HangZhou Science and Technology Commission?? 2003.1-2004.12




Nutrition regulation of  egg production (Doctoral graduate students course)

Graduate students

M.S- 5 students;  7 at present


Honors and Award

Third grade of Province Science and Technology Progress prize:  1996   Nystatin  used  as feed additive, preside??

Second grade of National Science and Technology Progress prize :2000     (Develop and industry of  Zhe Nong I balanced feed, the third joiner)

Third grade of Province Science and Technology Progress prize:  2001     Develop and industry of new feed additive to prove egg production, preside??


Professional Activities

Memberships in animal nutrition


Slected Publications

1??Effects of dietary fructoologosaccharide  on digestive  enzyme activities, intestinal microflora and morphology of growing  pigs.  Asian-Aust. J. Anim. Sci.,   2002, 15(11)     

2??Zou Xiao-ting , Lu Jian-jun Effect of Betaine on the regulation of the Lipid metabolism in laying hen  Agricultural Aciences in China   2002.1 (9):1043-1049         

3??Zou Xiao-ting Feng Jie  Effect of Betain on the performance of laying hen  Chinese journal of animal science 2002,38(2):7-9 

4??Zou Xiao-ting Feng Jie  Advance Of N-methyl-aspartate. Chinese journal of animal science 2002,38(5):49-50       

5??Qian li-chun ,Zou xiao-ting, Xu zi-rong ,Xi Gang  Effects of various levels of iron on the reproductive performance and biochemical parameters of gestation sow. Chinese Journal of Veterinary Science, 2001,21(5):526-528                                   

6??Zou xiao-ting  ,Qian li-chun   Effects of dietary zinc on the reproduction  performance gestation sow. Chinese Journal of Veterinary Science, 2002,22(4):378-380      

7??Zou xiao-ting  Effects of betaine on endocrinology of laying hens and its mechanism  Chinese Journal of Veterinary Science, 2001,21(3):300-303                                   

8??Zou xiao-ting, Wang you-ming,Lu jian-jun Effects of Diludin on prevention from fatty liver of laying hensand its mechanism. Chinese Journal of Veterinary Science, 2002,22(6):620-623                                   

9??Zou xiao-ting, Wang you-ming Effect of aspirin on performance of laying hen and egg quality under heat stress. Journal of Zhejiang University,2002,28(3):298-302          

10??Zou xiao-ting,Xu zi-rong,Wang yi-zhen  Effects of methylamino acids on growth performance of swinein different stages. Journal of Zhejiang University,2002,28(5):551-555  

11.Zou xiao-ting,Zhu jing-lan,Xu zi-rong,Wang yi-zhen  Effects of dietary 1,4-dihydropyridine on fatty liver of laying hens. Journal of Zhejiang University,2003,29(6):655-660